Pre-Christmas Clean Up

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The house is starting to polish up quite nicely now. Replacing the primed wood with properly painted wood of a suitable colour makes a world of difference. The porch still needs tiling, which is what's under the white cover.

Note the door on the left - it has a lock on it! The house is almost capable of being locked up! Note also that Garry has been cleaning up the area around the driveway; not garden standard, but much more presentable than before. This photo was taken standing about where the garage door would be located, if it was installed.

The front door is in place. There's no lock on it yet; or at least not when this photo was taken. But there probably is now, as there was some misunderstanding between Chris and me about the style of lock/handle for the front door. But that was resolved this morning, so it may now have a lock.

Beware! Painters At Work. Robert and John have started on the big room. John is putting primer on the wooden strips to be used to "join" the gyprock ceiling to the wooden beam Join in the sense of make it look presentable, rather than the gap which exists now. Note also that the big beam has had a clear finish applied.

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/icons/right.gifChristmas Eve Eve