Not quite the day before Christmas, but the day before the day before Christmas.
Robert the painter (partly visible in the lower middle) had just put
the finishing coat on the big beam, and now the ceiling was all done.
A detailed view of the ceiling, and the beam, and the unpainted
woodwork around the windows. What a difference a sand and clear
finish makes to a nice piece of wood.
Ryan and Garry were tidying things up for Christmas, and that
includes the garage! Although the house can now be locked up,
the absence of a garage door means the garage is not secure. So all
the expensive/important/easily moved stuff has migrated out of there.
The driveway view. You'll notice in this and the above view that
there are saw cuts in the concrete driveway. These are stress relief
cuts; the theory is that cutting the lines ensures these are
the high stress points, and so where any cracking will occur.
Hopefully at the
of the cut, and thus not visible.
Thanks Ed G from Florida for this information.