WET: Wood, Electrical and Tiles
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Now that some of the floors are finished, doors and other finishing
wood can be installed. Basically this means door frames above the
parquet floors (still need to be sanded and oiled) and architraves
and door frames in the big room where the tiled floor is finished.
The first door to be installed - including the door handle and lock!
This leads into the walk-in-robe off the master bedroom.
The end of the parquet floor in the master bedroom at the entrance
to the ensuite.
Chris is installing the door frame at the junction of the kitchen
and hall.
And a bit later, the first of the two doors is mounted!
Meanwhile, Ryan has been installing architraves and skirting
in the big room. The skirting is not very obvious in this photo,
but it is there.

Hmmm, I doubt this light switch will pass the electrical inspector's
checking! As most of the electrical stuff is buried in the walls,
it's difficult to show much happening now that it's all covered
with gyprock. But Steve was on site, installing fittings etc.
Looking West
Looking East
The above three photos showing the progress of the floor tiles.
The left photo is from bedroom 4 looking west through the lounge
room to the master bedroom. The middle photo is of the lounge
room floor, while the right most photo is from the master
bedroom looking through to bedroom 4.
The big room, with the tiled floor finished with a hard to see
grout between the tiles. In part, the tiles and grout are obscured
by a layer of dust and/or dried grout. The grout is partly cement based, but
using some special liquid to replace the water used in mixing.