This is the view from the driveway. The roof over the western wing is not really visible here, but you can see the ladder used to climb onto the roof.
The western wing, seen from the garage. There's even ridge capping
to seal the join at the top - all complete now.
The back of the house, with the unfinished portion of the roof.
The really bright area on the left is just the brick wall for
bedroom 2, excessively illuminated by the camera's flash. It's
not exactly obvious to me why it decided to fire just here.
The kitchen/family/dining room area, viewed from the north west
corner. Note the window, about mid image, above the large door.
Finally, the remainder of the windows have been delivered, meaning
the brick layers can return to finish off their part, given that
window (and its companion at the northern end) have prevented
them being done (face bricks are laid against the windows).
From the same north west of the living room as the above photo,
but looking east towards the porch and kitchen areas.
Also visible here is some of the window delivery from Friday afternoon.