Framed Even More

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The next day showed even more progress, and an ominous looking sky. This is looking roughly north west from the area at the back of the lounge room. Progress since yesterday shows the master bedroom north wall in position, and the en-suite walls going in. Ryan, still up a ladder at the front door frame meets powder room frame was in the same position as yesterday - coincidence, or did he spend the night there???

Much the same view as above, except from the eastern side of the house, outside bedroom 4. The frame is still on the slab, and it might be the southern wall of the 'computer room', although cubby hole might be a better name. It's quite small, but big enough for a couple of computers, patch panel, network switch, TV and phone distribution system etc.

A better view of the frame, and also showing the workshop/garage common wall in place as is the eastern wall of computer room.

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/icons/right.gifAfter The Rain