Simon was headed to Austria and thereabouts later in the week, so there was to be a farewell dinner at his restaurant of choice, namely Chinook (a type of salmon for those not on intimate terms with salmon), located at Fisherman's Terminal on Lake Union. The latter is becoming gentrified, unfortunately for the fishermen - meaning the cost of mooring is increasing.
As this was a dinner, it meant we did some battling with peak hour traffic.
This scene is from southbound I-405, just before the NE 70th overpass.
In this area, we were travelling against the major flow, but that was to change
fairly quickly as we approached Bellevue. We could also use the HOV
(or transit lane for Sydneysiders) to bypass some of the congestion.
The view from our table at Chinooks. We were fortunate to have a window
seat, and to some extent to watch the evening approach, though I believe it
was still quite light when we dropped Simon back to his apartment.
And they are
flying saucers in the upper right quadrant - just reflections
of lights in the restaurant.