More Redwoods

Back on Highway 101

Another big tree on US101, northern CA

Moving south, and a little inland, the trees are getting bigger.

Another big tree on US101, northern CA

My "RT" is not exactly a small bike, but it looks tiny next to this tree.

Another big tree on US101, northern CA

And from across the road too!

Big Tree

A little further down the road is the "Big Tree" site. And this is a big tree. The information board quotes the following data.
Big Tree Details
Parameter Feet
Metres Height 304
92.6 Diameter 21.6
6.6 Circumference 68
20.7 Estimated Age 1500 years

The imaginatively names \

It's impossible to photograph this tree (in a meaningful manner) to show its size. There was a walking trail, and perhaps somewhere along there it would be possible. However, motorcycle gear is not the most appropriate walking gear, and so I didn't follow the trail.

Big Tree, US101, northern California

Another view of the big tree.

Some blue bird which appeared in \

This bird was very tame, coming quite happily into the parking lot, and getting quite close to me before deciding to fly into the tree.

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