Ross Dam is the main storage dam for this scheme. It also generates electricity. The lake extends back into British Columbia.
Another viewing area, another view.
Ross Dam, named after the head of Seattle City Light who proposed and fought for these dams.
Note how low the water level is - indicated by the bare eath behind the wall. This is expected at this time of year, as the snow has not yet started to melt, and the melting snow is the source of water, lasting through much of summer. Of course, in this region, the demand for electricity falls in summer, as there is no heating load, and not much air conditioning.
The information display showing a map of the dams.
A view of Ross Lake from a little further along the road. We had a very cold Spring, especially March, and this has delayed the melting of the snowpack, which it seems is only now starting to melt. Not a record year for snow, but more than normal.