Romsdal Museum, Day II

KPLU Viking Jazz: Director explaining

The more modern part of the museum consists of smaller, older homes removed from within Molde itself. They are arranged into a "street", which even includes a (working) cafe.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Director explaining

Our group in front of the home which the Museum Director was about to show us around.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Old house in

This home belonged to a widow, who raised 10 children. It's hard to imagine, given the small size of the house.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Annette, Barbara (behind), Karen, Jum, Signe, Director, Joey in living room of old home

The living room. And that's an appropriate name here - this was the largest room in the home, and was used for "dinner parties", which the widow hosted, 3 guests at a time.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Annette in living room, showing

From the living room, looking past the front door to the "stairs" to the bedrooms, which was largely the upstairs area of the house, as one large room, with some partitions to cordon off different areas.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Kitchen in old Molde home

Looking into the kitchen from the living room.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Kitchen in old Molde home

The kitchen - all the facilities, but very little room.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Old stove for heating living room in old home from Molde now in Romsdalmuseet

Heating came from this stove, located in the living room.


KPLU Viking Jazz: One of the beautiful roses nearby - people used to trade cuttings to spread them around

This rose is within the museum; they have quite a collection of rose bushes, of the "older" style the town citizens used to trade among themselves.

KPLU Viking Jazz: One of the beautiful roses in Molde - people used to trade cuttings to spread them around

Another rose, this one on the way back to town.

/icons/left.gifAnother Walking Tour Around Molde
/icons/right.gifHeading To Lunch