Old Quebec Tour - Lower Old Town II

After leaving "rue du Petit Champlain", we headed off to find refreshments. As it was warming up, even though we'd been walking down hill, this was important. Fortunately Peter and Silvia found a suitable place.

Interesting statues outside

But along the way, we passed this "First Nations" craft store. No Cigar Store Indian here, though.

KPLU Tour Group settling in for a mid morning refresher

Ah, refreshed, it's time to continue the tour. Those of us who arrived early had shade to enjoy our refreshments. But the late comers - not our group, of course - received some additional solar heating.

View along street to our refreshment location, and Chateau Frontenac

There's that hotel again! And this is the street where we had our morning refresher. The Chateau Frontenac is quite visible in the Old Town, which makes it easy to find one's way back to it.

Street in lower town, Old Quebec, showing Quebec flag and traditional buildings

Just another street scene, but showing the Provence of Quebec flag in a pocket park.

Out of character monument in lower town, Old Quebec City (XXX - for whom?)

This is a totally out of place monument to somebody. Alas, I don't remember who is memorialised by this totally unsuitable piece of art. Nor do I know what the City Fathers were smoking when this was chosen.

left arrowOld Quebec Tour - Lower Old Town
Old Quebec Tour - Place Royale, Lower Old Townright arrow