On the way up we passed an eagle sitting on a branch at the top of a tree. The captain told us that usually they are in pairs, and sure enough, on the way down, we saw a pair. The captain threw out some salmon pieces to attract the eagles, and also a return from the crocodile.
About mid image, one of the eagles is still sitting on the
top of the tree, but the other has decided to go fishing,
which is
better seen
in this full resolution portion of the image.
The eagle wheeling about to come in for the pickup, after
a first fly past to check out the meal.
The eagle is approaching the piece of salmon which the captain
threw out just below the sign, again
seen here
in full resolution.
The eagle decided against picking up one of the pieces of salmon,
so the crocodile knows the script and comes up to look. The
close up
shows the snout just on top of the salmon piece. This crocodile,
the same as on the previous page, also collected a little salmon
from the river, as the captain threw some into the water to attract it.
Note that the yellow sign warns of the presence of crocodiles!
Crocodile Cruise
Homeward Bound