Chris has been away on holidays this week, and I've had the lurgi,
so this was my first visit for almost a week. The last visit
showed Ryan starting to work on the eaves, specifically cutting
the rafters to the correct length and adding the timber (barge board?)
to which the guttering will be attached. That's the pink (pre-primed)
wood in these photos. And as quality builders, where the wood
has been cut, it has been given an undercoat, to protect the cuts
from detiorating over the years due to water. [My home in Seattle
has some exterior wood painted on only the exterior surface,
even though the interior would be getting quite wet over time.
Replacing it after it rotted was, apparently, a maintenance item.]
This is the view outside the south west corner of the house, looking
east along the back wall.
Still looking east along the back wall, but from outside the laundry.
And you can just see Garry to the left of the ladder. He was
cutting and installing battens on the roof.
Looking south from outside the computer room. You can see some
of the white undercoat on the end of the sloping timber.
You can see Ryan in the corner; he was making a very awkward cut into one of the roof beams in the corner. It required a hand cut due to its position, and there was very little room to move the saw.
This is
the steel decking used to support the concrete deck on the porch while
it sets. The longer lengths are for the eastern end, above the
rain water bladder. They will be strengthened by 2 steel beams.
The shorter lengths are for the remainder of the porch.
The "missing" bricks in the corner at the middle top of the photo mark the location of one of the steel support beams for the Bondek. The beam will run from there off the left of the photo.