Old Neighbourhood

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The final full day in Seattle. Started off with the regulars at 9AM Mass, some photos of my old street, and a farewell dinner for my hosts Bill & Judy.

St. John Vianney Parish, Kirkland

Group of people in Social Hall The parish has a groupd of regulars at 9AM Mass. Not everybody attends every morning. And several of the regulars are no longer with us, or able to come. After Mass comes coffee and a snack of some sort, sometimes cooked by Father Ramon, in the Social Hall afterwards. Here, Margaret didn't quite realise I was about to snap a photo as she walked towards the garbage can in front of me.

Lawn leading towards trees, some showing Autumn colours The gardens have come along in the last four years, and there's a sign of the changing season with some trees showing their colours.

Car park area with trees changing colours spread around. Autumn/fall is definitely in the air - probably a good time to leave!

My Old Street

Street scene, with trees and garbage bins on street My old street, with my former house being second from the right - the light yellow one. The trees in the street have grown a great deal since my time living there - hardly surprising as I was the first owner of the home!

Two storey house, painted light yellow My former home. 'Twas a very comfortable home for me, and the new owner is quite happy there too!

/icons/left.gifMary Jane's Garden
/icons/right.gifFarewell Dinner