Then, at long last, Santa came around the bend.
And Santa came in TWO boats no less! Perhaps one is backup. Or maybe it carries the loot!
Santa's approaching to land. From there he'll walk down to our location, where the beach ends, and then head across to the other bank.
While Santa walks down, the two boats position themselves. The left one is Santa's "sleigh", and comes downstream to collect Santa later, while the backup vessel stands guard.
Santa's "sleigh" coming in for a landing.
Santa's helper looks familiar
Why, it's Peter Carter - last seen at Kelly & Glenn's wedding!
And Santa comes down the beach. What a crowd!
Santa is handing out gifts to the children along the way, while his assistant collects donations - cash and other.
Santa handing out more presents. There's Jake on the left - with his present already.
Quite a crowd of adults lending moral support to Santa.
Meeting of the neighbours - Michelle, Len and Yvonne. As Santa walks down to the next wharf.
Santa's sleigh is leaving, to cross over to the other bank.
And the youngsters are left with their bags of goodies.
Santa's now on the eastern shore of the Woronora. And looking at that hillside, they might well need his assistance one day.
At the next wharf down from Cameron and Michelle.