Wheat Fields Around Pullman

Friday, August 9th

Initially I had been thinking of following the Columbia River to Mt Hood, then riding around Mt. Hood into McMinnville (SW of Portland, OR) to spend Saturday night, visit the Spruce Goose and then return home Sunday via SW Washington.

However, it was getting hot, and I wanted some photos around Goldendale, WA, so decided I would aim for Goldendale for Friday night, then play it by ear when deciding home or Spruce Goose.

Around Pullman

During Chase The Snake, the fields around Pullman were all green - the new wheat crop was growing nicely. Now it's harvest time, so time to return and photograph the golden fields.

Wheat fields, partly harvested, south of Pullman WA

On US-195, a few miles south of Pullman. Being a city boy, I was surprised at the (lack of) height of fully grown wheat. I expected it to be several feet tall. I was slightly disappointed at the low height. The "grooves" in the hill on the right of the image are the results of harvesting.

Wheat fields, partly harvested, south of Pullman WA

A contrast in crops.

Wawawai Road, near Colton

Wheat fields on the Wawawai Road, between Colton and Pullman, WA

A farm surrounded by wheat.

Wheat fields on the Wawawai Road, between Colton and Pullman, WA

Wheat as far as the eye can see.

Wheat fields on the Wawawai Road, between Colton and Pullman, WA

See what I mean about the wheat being short!

Wheat fields on the Wawawai Road, between Colton and Pullman, WA

The magic grain.

left arrowOrofino
Colton Vicinityright arrow