Saint John Vianney Parish's 30th Birthday

Free Food

On October 14th, Saint John Vianny Parish, Kirkland, celebrated it's 30th anniversary. We held a picnic to celebrate the event. Of course, this being Washington state in October, the picnic was (mostly) held indoors, for obvious reasons, although I don't think it actually rained during the event.

St. John Vianney 30th Birthday - Knights of Columbs chefs

The Knights of Columbus were doing the cooking - hot dogs and hamburgers.

St. John Vianney 30th Birthday - waiting for food

Hmm, a line, must be something good at the end!

St. John Vianney 30th Birthday - waiting for food

St. John Vianney 30th Birthday - Foyer salad and desert lines

The rest of the meal was available inside - salads etc. Interestingly enough, the group of people on the far left are at the desert table!

Let's Eat!

St. John Vianney 30th Birthday - social hall eating

Inside the Social Hall, much effort was applied to eating, and being friendly. A good chance to meet parishioners who attend a different Mass.

St. John Vianney 30th Birthday - social hall eating

The Band

St. John Vianney 30th Birthday - N. Shore Senior's Band

Entertainment during lunch was provided by the band from The North Shore Seniors Center in Bothell. A lot of old time numbers, and they were fairly good all round, especially considering their age!

St. John Vianney 30th Birthday - N. Shore Senior's Band

After Lunchright arrow