Around Copenhagen - Along The Shore

Walking out of the eastern gate leads to the "Little Mermaid".

KPLU Viking Jazz: Crowds at the

Saturday morning, and the tourists are here! Apart from the locals, there were a number of tourists busses coming and going. And there are, of course, vendors satisfying tourist needs.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Ship passing the

A passing lighter (refueling vessel) at the Little Mermaid. The large building at the back was part of a shipyard, but is now a golf range. I didn't know it at the time, but this lighter pulled up in the dock behind our hotel to refuel the large car ferry docked there.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Statues created by migrants from Eastern Europe for being accepted by Denmark, on an island in the outer harbour

These sculptures were created by Polish migrants as a "thank you" to Denmark for accepting them.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Looking towards the

Looking east along Langelinie waterfront, with the "Little Mermaid" about mid image, and a cruise ship in the distance.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Attractive garden near statue on waterfront walk from

Looking in the same direction as the above photo, but from further away (closer to our hotel) and higher. I don't know what the monument commemorates.

KPLU Viking Jazz: St. Albans Church (Churchillparken) and Marmorkirken dome, from waterfront walk

Looking from the shore over the Kastellet ramparts to St. Albans Church, with Marmokirken's dome in the background.

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/icons/right.gifAround Copenhagen - Along The Waterfront