Afternoon Jazz Festival

Time to hit the Jazz Festival! After checking the schedule (I had already selected the acts which I thought I would enjoy), it was time to head out.

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But first a word about the Festival, and its organisation. This was the 26th Edition, so the organisers (one of whom we met on first night's soggy dinner) have had a good deal of practice. And they have learned their lessons well - specifically the timing of events is spot on, and for this alone they are to be congratulated. And considering there are a number of outdoor stages, all in close proximity, there is plenty of opportunity for chaos. However, the stages are (generally) not used for back to back performances, which allows time for the concluding act to clear out before the next one needs to arrive. Nor have they forgotten the little things, as indicated by the image here. Each stage had one of these boards, indicating the name of the next or current act, and when it starts or started. I appreciated it, if for no other reason than I could take a photo of it as a note of who/what/where/when for later use.

Aces of Dixieland

I enjoy Dixieland music, although it seems not to be very popular these days.

The band at work. This stage, Scene Bell, was located just at the rue Sainte Catherine entrance to Complexe Desjardins (behind the stage).

Crowd in Rue Sainte Catherince listening to

Looking east along rue Sainte Catherine, in front of the stage where "Aces of Dixieland" are playing. As in yesterday's Dixieland concert, the crowd was bopping along.

And a singalong song too!

Swing Tonique Band

The band is getting into their very energetic act - especially the trombone player, in this audience participation song.

And the banjo player takes his part - he was very good.

All playing with vigour! Or even vigor.

That cat again!  This time at the kid's play area

Ah, Saint Cat again - in front of the children's play area.

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