Back to Anchorage

Moose Pass

On the way back, we stopped at Moose Pass for some more "Kodak moments".

Moose Pass area

The frozen lake at Moose Pass. The bridge at the far end is for the railway from Seward to Anchorage (with a branch to Whittier).

Moose Pass area

The Moose Pass commercial centre - the Inn, Cafe and probably general store too!

Moose Pass area

No doubting that Moose Pass is a metropolis, with an inn and a hotel. The sign shows the facilities available - luxury in the wilderness. But in all seriousness, I imagine this is a delightful location in summer.

Another frozen lake and our rental car

Another frozen lake. I can't find this lake on any map I have.


We pulled off the road at Portage. Principal reason was to see if the bald eagles were still in their trees - we passed three of them on the way down. And also to photograph the tress which died from salt inundation after the earthquake.

A bald eagle on one of the dead trees near Portage

Only one eagle was still perched in a tree. A closeup shows more details.

Dead trees at Portage - killed by salt water after land sank 6 to 11 feet after the 1965 Whittier earthquake

The forest of dead trees.

Interesting cloud formation on Turnagain Arm of Cook Inlet

An interesting view on Turnagain Arm, with the low cloud hugging the mountain. This is also the location where my Palm IIIx bit the dust after coming off my belt as I got out of the car to take this picture.

Sunset over Anchorage from Kelly's room at Westmark Hotel

Sunset over Anchorage. This was taken from Kelly's room on the 12th floor of the Westmark Hotel. Her room faced north. Fortunately I happened to be looking out my window, and saw the shadow one building cast upon another, and guessed what was happening, so raced down to Kelly's room hoping for a good view! Wow.

Mount Susitna is a 4396 foot mountain visible from Anchorage. Native Indian legend tells a story of an Indian princess who lies down to sleep, waiting for the return of her brave from battle. In the legend, she turns to stone; ever since, the mountain has been known as "Sleeping Lady".

And so the first full day in Anchorage came to a close. Tomorrow looked like it might be a better day, and the forecast was promising. So perhaps we would be able to head north.

left arrowSeward
up arrow Alaskan Tour
Day 9: North to McKinleyright arrow