Morning, Wedding Day

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Kelly's wedding was scheduled for 3PM, in St. Mary's by the sea, which was all of 3 blocks away. So, the males had little to do before the big event.

Breakfast! This was the view from the table on my patio. Just to the left of the chair you can catch a glimpse of the children's pool. Although the gardens are watered nightly, it does show how tropical areas grow with great vigour. The patio area also had a "ceiling" fan. It struck me as an interesting idea at first (once I noticed it), but it was a really effective way to cool off.

A close up of the palm tree in front of my room. I've never seen a palm close up before, and was surprised to see that the flowers (I'm presuming that's what they are) are located just below the upper section containing the leaves.

To The Beach

Peter went for a walk on Four Mile Beach, then called me to come and have a look at something he found there. Being all of about 3 blocks away, this didn't take long.

Is it a dog? Yes and no. It's a dog statue made from driftwood. This is, apparently, a fairly common event - somebody in the area enjoys being creative with driftwood.

The dog looking out to sea, as the Quicksilver boat from Cairns is passing, and a parasailor is also going for a ride.

Another beach sculpture - I'm not sure what this represents; I'm inclined to think of a Kiwi, but I suspect there's some Australian equivalent.

And the last sculpture we saw - some sort of wading bird. We have no idea who is the creative mind behind these, but they were a nice divesion along the way.

The parasailor passing by the beach. Not quite sure why one would do this, but it's probably just a tourist event.

The Quicksilver boat approaching the entrance to Port Douglas inlet. Also shows the "stinger" net, which protects bathers from the deadly box jellyfish, which are endemic to these waters at this time of the year.

Looking south along Four Mile Beach. The weather was not looking to good for a fine afternoon for the wedding. But it's not uncommon for this sort of morning weather to clear off to a sunny afternoon.

Port Douglas
Around The Headland

Updated at 20:53 EST on Sat Jul 8, 2006
Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006, Lindsay Harris