Family Photos - old, unsorted

Various Family Photos, with scan of the back side of the photo, where usually mum wrote some details. These were scanned as backup when leaving Seattle, in case of non-arrival in Sydney. I do have them in good condition.

Barry's Photos

These are photos which Barry took. I have scanned these, as an ongoing but very slow process. There are many more boxes of slides to scan.

Older slides have no date on them; newer ones do have the date, at least. When dates are available, the filename format is XXyymmSnnn.jpg, where XX is a 2 letter code designating film maker and type (e.g. kk would be Kodak, and Kodachrome film), then 2 digits for year, 2 digits for month (film processed, not necessarily shot), S is a letter to allow for multiple yymm values, and nnn is the sequence number on the film.
