Standing at the kitchen sink and shelling some peanuts for lunch, I noticed something new on the patio - an Australian Water Dragon (Australian Museum site). At first I thought it a blue tongued lizard, which have been around since building. Clearly they are nothing like each other!
The dragon was keeping its position on the patio, sometimes with a little head movement. As it appeared to be comfortable, it was time to grab the camera.
The view from inside the kitchen. But the dragon had decided to
move to a new postion while I was fetching the camera. For reference, the
tiles are 30cm square (about a foot), so this is a fair sized dragon!
The dragon stayed here for many minutes, just staring in. The radio
was on, so perhaps the vibrations from that were of interest.
It's hard to know whether the dragon could/did see much inside, but
it did track me around, so at least something was visible.
The dragon seemed unfazed during sneaking up to it and taking
photos. Even time to swap the regular lens for a telephoto one,
to get a better closeup.
After a time, the dragon moved quickly to another section of the patio, sat there for a while, then onto the lawn and off. These are water loving creatures, and are perhaps taking advantage of the number of nearby homes with a pool. I live near the top of a ridge!