Flynn seems to be enjoying his "elephant ride" at Thai Rim Nam restaurant at
the Como Marina. Note the matching socks!
By chance, one of Flynn's school mates, Steven, and his family also came to
the same restaurant for lunch. And, as it turns out, Steven was sitting in
the row of front of us in church.
Flynn has a fascination with guns, and a great imagination: in this instance,
he has "found" a double barreled shotgun! Which he took home. Meanwhile, Peter
and Brent are sharing a joke or two.
Lily has a voracious appetite. Mostly it's good, wholesome food, especially fruit.
But the odd ice cream is most welcome.
Kelly the Clown?? Lily seems quite amused by the whole thing. This would
probably have been better as a video!
A cake to celebrate the dual event. It was far more practical to have
a combined celebration than having 2 on successive days. And it was such
a nice day to be outdoors.
Probably part of "Happy Birthday", or the three cheers afterwards, as
Michelle and Flynn join hands.
Presents for the day - First Communion for Flynn, birthday for me. The cow theme has a long tradition in family gift giving!
Peter/Dandy with Lily. And the boys behind
The boys sat at the table beside ours. From far left it's Jye, Cooper, Jake, Flynn
and Tynan. Tia was sitting at our table, as she was not feeling well, and
had little to eat.
"Da Boys" coming back after climbing the "mountain" at Como Pleasure Grounds.
From left: Cooper (blue shoes!), Jake, Tynan, Jye, Flynn and Steven at the rear.
And that's Tia's head in the lower left - out of focus.
The celebrations being had, it was time to head home.
Flynn's First Holy Communion