Keiran and Marina offered to make pizza for dinner, which they did, and which was delicious! Nay, fabulous! The rest of us mostly sat around watching, or sometimes offering assistance.
So a visit to the creek, and it's viewing platform/quiet rest area was in
order. Lily has a broom and is keen to sweep, as much as a 3 year old can.
A three generations photo - daughter, granddaughter and mother, in order.
And a substanital tree in the background. This was taken at the same location
as above.
Being a week before Easter, the moon was only about half full, as seen in this photo
taken near the pool area.
The night time pool, from where the above photo was taken. Without flash! The main
house is on the left, while "Tree House" is in the bushes behind. The boys had much
fun in the pool this afternoon, and more tomorrow. Note the pool is an edgeless
design on the right hand side - there's a drop of about a metre to a trough collecting
the water coming over the edge to filter and return it to the pool.
Many hands make light work
Too many cooks spoil the broth?
Well, no broth tonight. Not sure what was going on here, but probably just
ensuring that all ingredients for the pizza were in place.
Well, the kitchen "extra staff" appear to have retreated to enjoy a before dinner
tipple - well, probably not Lily. Left to right: Michelle, Peter, Kelly with Lily,
and Yvonne. The lights from "Tree House" can be seen in the background.
The designated kitchen crew at work. Actually I think Tynan volunteered, and
expended much energy chopping up vegetables. With great care too - no blood spilt!
While Marina is working on the pizza, Keiran is confused over the stove.
But then we were
confused over the stove. Especially, the knobs appeared to be rotated by
180 degrees. But it was actually poor design and/or excessive cleaning.
The knobs have a handle, which we presumed to be the indicator of its position.
But there was a not very obvious dot on the other side which was the setting.
Eventually we got it to work.
Another of my "photographer in action" series! Kelly taking a photo
of Marina, Keiran and Tynan on kitchen duty.
The kitchen workers as seen from just outside the front door (visible on the right).
Marina, Keiran, Yvonne and Michelle.
And then it was time to eat. Delicious, home made pizza. I don't recall if there was any left, but I doubt it. No doubt there was more conversation before heading to bed for the night. Tomorrow was party day, with much to do before the visitors arrived for the celebration.
Getting To Ellywan
Party Preparations
Kangaroo Valley