Keiran and Marina flew in to Sydney this morning, and it also happened to be Cooper's birthday. So, a triple celebration was in order. For Cooper's birthday, welcome back Keiran, and hello Marina. The two travellers had an afternoon sleep, and so were up to the task of being social. Though I think Marina may have been somewhat overwhelmed by the action!
Miss Lily is in action here. Not sure why the camera decided that long exposures
were required at this time, but it has that interesting effect of showing
movement by blur. Meanwhile, Glenn is fighting the packaging of Cooper's
quad bike radio controlled model. And it was a battle, with many layers of
wire wrapped around, and screws as well as other devious traps.
Ah, dinner time is approaching! Peter is carving the chikcen, while Yvonne
supervises while looking after the remaining items still cooking.
Curses! Marina spotted me taking the photo, Keiran obviously well into some
description or other. And Flynn looks on - perhaps "analysing" his first meeting
with a Russian!
There's food on that end of the table. Yes, the youngsters are fed first.
Yvonne is giving them the instructions and the bribe - all eat all their meal,
and they can have a
Lily loves to pick flowers and hand them to people. Yvonne was the recipient
of this one, which obviously came out of her garden.
Gotta have a birthday cake! The spiderman figure is not edible, and indeed
is part of the plastic stand on which it sits.
The birthday cake is starting to disappear! And Lily seems to be testing the
icing, just in case it's gone off in the last few minutes! Blue seems to be
the colour theme for the day.