Having a birthday in August means fitting the celebration in with school term limits. So, the party was a few days late! But well worth the wait.
Lily loves playing with Yvonne's collection of Russian dolls - the
kind wherein each doll contains a smaller version of itself. I don't
think Lily understands the relationship, but enjoys putting them inside
bigger ones. Here they are lined up along the cooffee table.
A "missing generation" photo was required for one of the boys to take
to school. So, this was the chance to produce an up to date one. Note
Cooper's "smile". I took 3 photos, and in each one, one of the youngsters
has a goofing off face.
Peter caring the meat and testing it for quality, while Brent and Michelle
watch over it. Peter appears to be taste testing the result.
Cooper (standing) invented a new game - walking around in Dandy's (grandfather) jumper, but with his legs in the arms. The youngsters had quite a lof of fun with this game (see the video for action). Jake, sneaking in underneath, also participated in the game, though it's not clear here whether he was still doing it.