Our surprise birthday party took place at Camp David in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley. This is a luxury resort style of place, though without meals or room service. Users are left to fend for themselves, which is probably what most want anyway.
The building on the left is the main building, containg kitchen,
dining room and lounge room downstairs, and 2 bedrooms and the TV
lounge upstairs. Tbe building on the right is (I believe) additional
accomodation and games room. The building in the middle is the
main games room and 2 bedrooms and bathroom upstairs. Connecting
the middle and left buildings is the master bedroom and en-suite.
Connecting in the structural sense; it's not a passageway between the two!
The view from the other end - the south east corner, in particular.
Technically the front is the side on the right - there's a front door
and sunny "sitting" room in there. However, for all practical purposes,
the left hand side is the front of the house, with a verandah to
sit and enjoy the view. The tennis court is off to the left.
The view from the front verandah on Sunday morning. The cloud is
the remnants of the fog which enveloped this part of the valley
earlier in the morning. It turned into a beautiful sunny day.
Part of the kitchen and dining room. The pool and spa are through
the double doors behind the table.
Part of the lounge room. There's a fireplace off to the left - we
even used it on Saturday night! The master bedroom is through the
doorway; the verandah is out the door on the left. Kitchen is off to
the right, and the curved roof section is the floor of the TV lounge.
The master bedroom (with en-suite to the right). The view is of
the front lawn, looking south towards the hills.
The view from the master bedroom into the lounge room, and also
the sunny sitting room at the "proper" front door.
The TV lounge is upstairs; the stairway is behind the railing on the left,
while that on the right looks down into the lounge room.
This is the view from the far end of the above photo, looking down into
the lounge room, including the fireplace.
One of the upstairs bedrooms - the other is a mirror image behind the
wall on the left. The door leads to the TV lounge.