Party Day dawned without the birthday boy! Peter and Yvonne arrived about 10AM - before the guests.
One of the children in the spa saw this blue tongue lizard sitting on
the garden border next to the spa. The lizard was a little wary, but
still allowed a close approach.
Alas the lizard did not poke out its tongue, so no photos of its colour.
The youngsters did say they saw the tongue.
Lily wanted to see the "alpacies", which is how she pronounced alpaca.
Well, she is only 2.75 years old, so that's good enough for us.
Time for the group photo. Di (standing), then left to right
Dinny, Yvonne and Bev. Den was the ace photographer off to the right.
The men were congregating around the food - where else? Left to right:
Allan, Peter and Glenn, who was actually working (cooking)!
Then there was lunch.
No photos of lunch, but afterwards, Den gave out some lollies,
one of which Flynn has in his mouth. Yes, they are like bad false teeth.
The first birthday cake (there were 2!) has been cut ready for distribution.
Around the table: Di (lower left, back of head), Kelly, Flynn, Peter,
Lily, Cooper and Allan, who seems to be awaiting his slice.
Outside is Glenn (back to camera), Tynan and Jake.
Main Page
Arrival Day
After Lunch