Cooper's 4th birthday was celebrated at Michelle's club house, which is ideally suited to this sort of event. The swimming pool is a bonus!
Peter telling Lily a story, with Lily suitably engrossed.
The guests and the "staff". Guests, anti-clockwise from lower left:
Flynn (back to camera), Jake, Tynan, Yvonne, Cooper, Lily, Cecelie
and Natalie. The guests are ready to eat and drink.
Most of the staff have escaped! Same order of guests: Flynn, Jake,
Tynan, Cooper, Lily and Cecelie being the last to escape!
Lily with her meal, and that look of surprise. The wine glass is not for her!
Some of Cooper's present are in the background.
Ah, the candles are not actually candles - they are soldiers with
a parachute pack! Well, that's different. Although the youngsters
had much more fun playing with them afterwards.
The youngsters, or at least those in the photo, look like they are
really ready to consume those cup cakes! From left: Lily, Tynan
and Jake. Yvonne, Bev and Cecelie are in there too.