"Happy Birthday To You"

Cooper's 3rd birthday: The cake - without candles

The cake - before the most important decoration: candles!

Cooper's 3rd birthday: The cake with candles starting to appear with Yvonne's help

Right on cue - the candles arrive.

Cooper's 3rd birthday: The cake with candles starting to appear with Yvonne's help

Cooper's 3rd birthday: Singing 'Happy Birthday',  but before the candles were lit

Candles all present and accounted for.

Cooper's 3rd birthday: Candles not lit - time to sing again

"Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Birthday Dear Cooper..."

Cooper's 3rd birthday: Singing done, blow the candles out

Time to blow out the candles...

Cooper's 3rd birthday: Singing done, blow the candles out

Cooper's 3rd birthday: Singing done, blow the candles out

Cooper's 3rd birthday: Singing done, blow the candles out

Cooper's 3rd birthday: Waiting for the cake to be cut up and eaten

The cake is whisked away to the kitchen to be de-candled while the restless indians await its return and their share.

Cooper's 3rd birthday: Cooper eating while Yvonne cuts and serves

Cooper digs in while Yvonne continues slicing and dicing the cake for the rest of us.

Cooper's 3rd birthday: Cooper eating while Yvonne cuts and serves

Hmmm, good. Food - good!

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