Lunar Eclipse

On Tuesday, August 28th, a total lunar eclipse was on the schedule. So the family gathered at Cameron and Michelle's home on the Woronora to eat, drink and be blotto. Oops, I mean observe the eclipse! The following photos are clipped images from my Nikon D-70. Photographing the moon is not easy. Forget things like auto-exposure, although with appropriate twiddling there might be some appropriate settings. So the first few images were trial and error manual exposure setting. And indeed the first photo is an example of what happens using the automatic mode! But this also shows an almost full moon at the beginning of the eclipse. The others happen throughout the eclipse, over a period of almost 2 hours, until the earth's shadow is starting to pass from the moon.

Note also that these images are mostly not quite focused. The auto-focus will not work on such an image (again, it might with the appropriate fiddling), and the image in the viewfinder is so small that manually setting the focus (as I did) is very difficult. These are the best of the bunch of 70 or so photos taken. There's also some tripod shake, or so it appears. The exposures were up to one second.

Other Images

Over such a long period, it's not too surprising that aircraft flew through the field of view. These are two such instances.