Christmas festives for 2006 started several months earlier, when Keiran told me he was planning a surprise visit to Sydney for Christmas. He has been in London for over two and a half years, although he did return for his sister Kelly's wedding in November 2005. But that was a hectic (though very enjoyable) time in Port Douglas. And, of course, Christmas in the northern hemisphere is in the middle of winter.
So the plan was set, and tickets were bought, with Keiran arriving at Mascot, unknown to all except me, about 9PM on Christmas Eve. Gentle probing of family activities indicated this would be a good time, allowing me to participate in Christmas Eve Mass with the family at Menai, a quick meal at Michelle and Cameron's in Woronora, then a surreptious trip to Mascot to collect Keiran.
The plan worked pretty well. Although London was blanketed in thick fog, causing substantial delays at Heathrow. In fact, Keiran's original Friday night flight to Bahrain was cancelled, and he was put on the Saturday morning flight. While a little nerve wracking, this was more convenient (at least in one sense) as the original schedule involved a 12 hour layover in Bahrain. Fortunately the fog started clearing, and Keiran's Saturday flight left on time, reducing the Bahrain lay over to just 90 minutes. Fortunately text messages allowed us to stay in touch, and thus I knew he was on the scheduled flight to Sydney.
When I called the arrival time hotline (Gulf Air does not report this on their web page; but then they fly those dreaded A-340s, so don't expect too much) earlier in the day, the arrival time was reported as being 15 minutes early. And after that I was not able to sneak away to make another call for updates. By the time I reached Cameron and Michelle's after 6:30PM Mass, it was close to 8PM! Wow, I'd best not delay too much. Dinner was frankfurts, so that didn't take too long. While the plan was to look at the Christmas lights in National Avenue, Loftus, I begged leave and was out the door by about 8:30. I sent Keiran a text message so that if he landed before I arrived, he'd know I was coming.
Fortunately traffic was light, and I made it to the airport before
the plane landed. Arrival time was after 9PM, so I had a bit
more time up my sleeve. The first step upon entering the terminal
is to find the correct exit area from Customs and Immigration.
I didn't have my camera, but was amused by the bottom line of
the arrivals sign
Ah, yes, Christmas Eve was in full swing at the airport. And there were quite a few people in the terminal too. It was amusing watching the passengers come out. Several came out dressed as Arabs. Their respective family members didn't recognise them at first, then great mirth when the face was recognised. I guess I must be at the right exit for Keiran's flight! And then there was the passenger who came out deeply engrossed in the book she was reading. One lady next to me asked if I caught the title, since she'd like to read a book which was obviously so interesting!
Anyway, Keiran came out, and after the usual greetings it was time to head on home. Keiran was a little surprised that it was raining, but the majority of us welcomed it. After a shower and a beer, Keiran headed off to bed, while I finished off wrapping Christmas presents - the excuse I gave for leaving early.