Ah, Seth bring's out his helicopter to start the afternoon's entertainment.
Pre-liftoff preparations underway.
Clear the decks - coming in for a landing.
Ah, down, but not exactly a perfect landing, although the pilot surived without injury! As did the helicopter - it seems rather robust. Pity real ones don't survive as well.
Some investigation is required, as there was obviously a problem with the helicopter - obvious even to me! So a good mechanical engineer is called in for a consultation - and Joe happens to be here.
Ah, that's so much better - the stability is back, now that the loose tail rotor has been tightened. Time to buzz the neighbours :)
Quite a crowd watching the flight. No pressure on Seth at all. The helicopter is not easily visible - it's just on the right side of the trees on the left. But here's an in-flight photo.
Cool under pressure.
Coming in for a good landing.