And so it was time for the ceremony to begin.
Peter has delivered his daughter to the altar, so it's time
for the celebrant, Wayne Rees (left) to come into the act,
and for Glenn to accept Kelly from Peter.
An onlooker peering in on the ceremony, as Father Flynn
watches on. Wayne Rees, celebrant, is in front of Kelly.
Amanda Layton reads the
Apache Wedding
poem for Glenn and Kelly.
Linda Gades singing "Heaven". And immediately in front,
Flynn is pointing out something to Peter.
Glenn and Kelly exchanging vows.
Father Flynn blessing the rings.
Glenn putting the ring on Kelly's finger.
Kelly putting the ring on Glenn's finger.
Father Flynn blessing the couple, now man and wife.
A very happy, and showing it, Wayne Rees telling Glenn to kiss his bride.
Glenn didn't seem to need much encouragement :-)
Ah, the job's not done until the paper work is completed - Kelly
signing the register.
Flynn, just wondering what was happening.
The Marriage Certificate being presented to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, as
Wayne Rees introduces the newly married couple to the guests.
The Wedding I
Outside The Church