Flora and Fauna

Having had sufficient excitement for the day, it was time to head back, by way of part of the "Carl S English, Jr" gardens, named in honour of their creator.

Flowers at Ballard Locks

I don't know what they are, but attractive.

Flowers at Ballard Locks

Some sort of daisy, I presume.

Flowers at Ballard Locks

Flowers at Ballard Locks

A rose. The gardens have quite a few roses, probably of the heritage style - they appear to have been around for quite a while.

A squirrel rummaging around the gardens at Ballard Locks

A squirrel rummaging around the gardens at Ballard Locks

Squirrels are all over the place! These are obviously not afraid of humans. My experience suggests that none of those in Seattle are afraid of humans!

Time to press on home and check out the photos we have.

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