After Lunch

After lunch, somebody (I don't remember the guilty person!) produced some balloons.

Gilbert blowing up ballon at Nat's farewell before London return at Currey's

Gilbert blowing up ballon at Nat's farewell before London return at Currey's

Gilbert exercising his lungs to inflate the balloon.

Gilbert and Cameron preparing for launch at Nat's farewell before London return at Currey's

Ready for launch! Gilbert and Cameron seem ready to launch, while Flynn and Tynan are ready to track the trajectory.

Gilbert and Cameron preparing for launch at Nat's farewell before London return at Currey's

An image which allows a certain latitude in intrepretation.

Gilbert and Cameron preparing for launch at Nat's farewell before London return at Currey's

Lift off!

Up, up and away as the balloon flits up into the air at Nat's farewell before return to Europe

Incoming missile at 12 o'clock, at least that's what Glenn appears to be thinking.

Time For The Pool

Tynan in the pool at Nat's farewell before return to London

Tynan going in for a dip.

Jake takes the plunge into the pool at Currey's for Nat's farewell before returning to London

Jake diving in to "swim" to his dad.

Tynan about to plunge into pool at Currey's before Nat's return to London

Tynan jumping in to swim to Cam

Jake plunging into pool at Currey's before Nat's return to London

Jake jumping in to swim to Cam

Currey's pool during Nat's farewell before return to London: (l->r): Gilbert, Yvonne, Cecelie, Peter and Kelly, with Cameron in pool with Tynan, and Jake poised to jump in.

The Currey's pool area, and the audience watching the boys (big and small) in the pool. Funny, nobody else seemed to want to go in!

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