May 24th was the day to return home to Seattle for the last time. Well, at least the last time from Sydney. While parting is hard, at least this time I knew that it would only be 5 months before I returned permanently.
I was farewelled from the airport by Peter, Michelle and Jake and Flynn. This photo shows an unhappy Jake, though it was not for my departure. Flynn is behind Peter sitting on the bench. And that plane was not the one I would be sitting on for the next 14 hours, although it looked the same.
Another view of the family, with Jake being in a better mood.
And the same view, but this time Michelle thinks she is out of the picture. Wide angle lenses have their surprises!
After the fond farewells I headed through Immigration and waited for the plane. Typically the flight I leave on is a plane which comes in from South Africa, and after a cleaning and refuelling, we board and head off.
The full moon rising over the Pacific Ocean. I always ask for a window seat, and this is one of the reasons why. I must have had a seat on the right hand side.
The moon rising in context - the pink sky as the sun is setting on the other side of the plane.
The lower level of clouds are rising higher to partly obscure the moon, with that lovely tinted cloud above from the setting sun.
It seems the two layers are approaching one another.
Some 30 minutes since the last photograph, and all traces of sunshine have now gone as the moon light reflects off the ocean.
The flight to Los Angeles was as pleasant as such things can be. The regular hassle at LAX, and I am always happy to leave that airport. Back to Seattle, shuttle home, and start the house up again - enough for a shower and a good night's sleep.