
Family dinner at Cameron and Michelle's: Jake, Keiran, Natalie, Michelle, Yvonne, Peter, Cameron, Kelly and Greg

A few drinks and casual conversation before dinner by the river. From left and going clockwise: Keiran, Natalie (standing), Michelle, Yvonne, Peter, Cameron, Kelly and Greg, with Jake just coming out from behind the tree on the left.

Boating on the Woronora on a Sunday afternoon

A putt putt boat passing down the river.


Sulphur Crested Cockatoos in Cameron and Michelle's trees

A cockatoo flying overhead. They were swooping in and out of this tree for quite a while. And they are NOISY!

Sulphur Crested Cockatoos in Cameron and Michelle's trees

The one on the upper branch's crest is blowing in the wind.


Jake playing with Natalie and Keiran

Natalie giving Jake some "finer points" on throwing the ball!

Cameron and Greg at the barbecue

Cameron doing the cooking, with Greg looking on.

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