This picture shows somebody climbing inside for the tour. The hatch is beneath the cockpit, and there is not enough room to stand in there - it's necessary to crawl either to the front turret or back and up into the cockpit or further back.
Looking forward.
I presume the splotches on the front view are from insects
which were impaled while flying at low altitude.
At least this is what happens on a motorcycle :-(
Behind the top turret is the radio room, which also has a "convertible" top on it. The opening is to allow celestial navigation, which, of course, requires a good view of the sky. Some radio equipment is seen to the left.
The view out the top, showing Mt. Rainier just to the right of the tail.
The waist and ball-turret from radio room. The speckles were probably dust on the lens, which I think was in the sunlight.
The ball-turret gun
The waist gunners area
The outside view of this section.