My Street

As the other fireworks shows were slowing down (or so it seemed), the activity in my street was still going, so it was time to return and photograph the action.

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

The crowd has grown somewhat.

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

Taken from the end of the street. These things sure produce a lot of smoke :-(

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

Most of the following photographs were taken while flat on my back, hand holding the camera and using a 2 second exposure! Steadiness of the camera is not too important when photographing fireworks!

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

Indedpendence Day fireworks - NE 151st Court Kenmore

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