
After our walk, it was time for a visit to Baylands, an open space area used for recreation and as a wildlife refuge.

Windy conditions are good for windsurfers at Baylands, looking wes

It was NOT a dark and stormy night, but it sure was a windy afternoon. I'm not really sure what this building is. The water is an enclosed lake.

Windy conditions are good for windsurfers at Baylands

You can tell the men from the boys in these conditions.

Andrew and Kathy Morton on dock of Baylands area, Palo Alto

Andrew and Kathy contemplating the conditions.

Windsurfers and general view of Baylands area of Palo Alto

Another view over the sailing lake.

Not sure what sort of bird this is, at Baylands, Palo Alto

The birds were having something of a hard time in the wind. I don't know what sort of bird this is.

A bird claiming its landing position at Baylands

Taking a rest, or claiming its territory?

Hills east of Baylands, Palo Alto

Looking across the southern end of San Francisco Bay. No water means brown grass, as opposed to the parklands above, where there is, obviously, no shortage of water.

Andrew Morton playing with Michael and Matthew

Family fun.

Andrew with Michael, Matthew and Victoria Morton at Baylands

Poor dad's worn out.

Kathy Morton emptying the barbeque for dinner

Chef Kathy finishing off dinner - nothing quite like a barbeque to fill the hole caused by an afternoon at the park(s).

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