These shots were taken during February 20th to the 22nd 2000. They are of the family gathering on the Queensland Gold Coast, initially at Aunty Dot's house, then the cousins' homes.
Which also happened to co-incide with Robin's 40th anniversary 21st birthday!
L to R: Rowena, Ernie and Aunty Dot.
Ah, meal time - something we all appreciate. Clockwise, from the bottom: Dawn,
Rowena, Aunty Dot,. Jenny, Ron, Ernie, Robin and Greg.
On Monday, Aunty Dot and I ventured to Mt. Tamborine, inland from the coast. While there, we visited the Mt. Tamborine Winery, where Robbie works. No photos of the winery and its web site seems to have disappeared.
This is looking west from Mt. Tamborine. The view is too large to
do justice with just one photo.
An afternoon family house gawking tour followed the rigours of mountain climbing. Ernie was the perfect tour guide, stopping to sample the hospitaility of cousin's homes.
Robin and Ron's home front yard.