A - Azalea
Gumpo White
/Evergreen Azalea
AU - Acuba j.
B - Berberis t.
Rosy Glow
/Rosy Glow Barberry
CS - Camellia sasanqua/Winter Camellia
D - Cornus kousa
/Korean Dogwood
E - Eleagnus p.
/Variegated Eleaganus
H - Chamaecyparis o./Golden Hinoki Falsecypress
HY - Hydrangea m. Preziosa/Pink Hydrangea
JM - Acer palmatum
/Bloodgood Japenese Maple
L - Syringa vulgaris/Lilac
N - Nandina d.
Plum Passion
/Plum Passion Nandina
P - Pieris
Mountain Fire
/Mountain Fire Pieris
RH - Rhododendron/Rhododendron
RO - Rosa r.
Henry Hudson
/Rugosa Rose
V - Viburnum davidii/David Virbunum
+ - Thuja o.
Emerald Green
/Emerald Green Arborvitae
The above items in blue are trees;
the rest shrubs.
The yard is approximately 60 feet wide (about
18m), and 42 feet (13m) from the back of the house to the back fence.
The top of the diagram is south.