On The Moon

Note: These are a set of slides bought from a company which duplicated them from NASA originals. Some 39 years later, they were scanned, but had detiorated badly. They have been adjusted, both during scanning and after, to try to restore the image quality. It's still not that great.

Wikipedia has a comprehensive article on Apollo 17.

Astronaut on lunar surface; US flag behind; lunar rover beside

All mod cons on the moon - vehicle, satellite dish and flag.

Astronaut standing next to lunar rover

Just look at my new car! Low mileage, pristine condition, though could do with a wash to get the dust off.

Lunar rocks in foreground, sloping ground with craters behind

Astronaut with instrument plunged into the surface

Caution: Geologist At Work.

Astronaut driving rover with black background

See what my new rover can do!

Distant half-earth above lunar rock in foreground

View from lunar module showing tyre tracks of rover, distant low hills

Not easily visible, but this shows some of the experiments left on the lunar surface.

Lunar rock and landscape with rover satellite dish in foreground

Rover's link back to earth against the lunar landscape.

Rover with astronaut in front of lunar module

Looks like a last drive around the Lunar Module to check it's ready for takeoff.

Lunar rock in foreground, rover parked some distance on downhill slope

I hope the parking brake on the rover is set. It would be unpleasant to have to chase it down the hill.

Assorted instruments set out on the lunar surface

Detail of the instruments left behind to monitor the moon. At least one of the missions left a mirror for range finding from earth.

Red rock showing in shallow excavation with colour chart

The colour chart on the tripod to the left is to allow compensation for lighting conditions, and also film variations. Then there's the red colour of the exposed surface.

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