Along The Coast

The coastal road meanders along, mostly far enough away from the coast to block any ocean views. On the other hand, that means the road is not likely to be washed away in the next big storm!

Beach scene with waves and distant headlands

Bermagui is the next major town along the road, and just before reaching it this beach view appears. Actually there is a sign here which says there's a 9km coastal walk to Bermagui; I'm not sure where the walk stops at the far end.

Rocky headland, bent over trees

The rocky headland at the south end of this beach (photo taken from the same location as the one above). Note the windswept appearance of the trees, as they are battered by and and all sea breezes.

Beach scene, waves and headlands along coast

And from within Bermagui, a view looking down the coast. This is such a typical scene for much of the east coast of Australia. The beach was empty, but it was a Thursday, although the temperatures were more like summer than late Autumn.

Green pastures in front of tree covered mountains

After Bermagui the road crosses the entrance to Wallaga Lake, although I'd call it more a bay or inlet than a lake. Then shortly after, the coast road terminates on the Princes Highway, which is seen running through the middle of this image.

Panorama from mountains, over green pasture to ocean

This panorama shot shows the entire scene here, including lush pasture, and even a little of the ocean! [I'm getting better at panorma shots, but I need to use the locked exposure capability of my camera a bit more so that I will get it right!]

And just a few kilometres up the highway are the towns of Tilba Tilba and Central Tilba. I detoured in to have a look around; probably worth a visit at some later time.

Narooma is just a few more kilometres up the road, and it was a reasonable time to stop for the day. I pulled in to a small street, whipped out the accomodation guide, and looked at various entries. It turned out I had pulled in outside one of the better ones, and so that was where I spent the night - the Whale Motel. And it also had the only restaurant in town, which served a very enjoyable meal. All in all, a very enjoyable day.

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