More Streets Of Molde

When the band finished their act, I decided to go walking some more.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Just a random house in Molde

Just a house somewhere in Molde. Assumed to be representative of the building style in this area, for your ejoyment and edification.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Some more homes at the same location as the previous one

Some more houses, in the same street.

Catholic Church

Norway, like Denmark, is predominantly Lutheran, but there are some Catholics here too.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Molde's Catholic Church, St. Sunniva

Molde's Catholic Church - not quite in the same league as the Lutheran Cathedral!

KPLU Viking Jazz: Inside Molde's Catholic Church - no hanging boat, but the nautical flavour is on this wall sculpture

There's no boat hanging in this church, but the nautical theme is definitely apparent.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Molde's Catholic Church altar

The sanctuary area in this very small church.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Not sure what these are hanging on the back of the pews from Molde's Catholic Church

Guessing these are kneeling pads to use on the wooden kneeler.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Pretty flowers outside Molde's Catholic Church

Some pretty flowers growing in front of the church.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Molde street in front of Catholic Church

Another street scene, this from the front of the Catholic Church.

KPLU Viking Jazz: The metal bracket on the bottom of the roof is to stop the snow falling off and injuring people

Slate appears to be the principal roofing material, which if I recall correctly, lasts quite a long time, and is not seriously affected by the weather. Note the metal structure on the bottom of the roof - that's to prevent the snow sliding off quite suddenly, and injuring anybody standing underneath. The spire in the background is from the Lutheran Cathedral.

/icons/left.gifJazz Band Marching Parade
/icons/right.gifBack To The Main Street