Romsdal Museum II

We took our seats, awaiting the arrival of the dance troupe.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Crowd assembling for dancing demonstration at Romsdalmuseet

Those people standing under the doorway to the house up the back must have known something, as you'll see soon.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Dancers entering arena for performance at Romsdalmuseet. Molde

The dancers arriving in the arena, with a fiddler (left) to accompany them.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Musical accompaniment for dancers at Romsdalmuseet, Molde

The fiddler working away.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Folk dancing at Romsdalmuseet, Molde

Some of the dances were more interesting (to me, anyway) to watch, and more lively, as this one was.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Folk dancing at Romsdalmuseet, Molde

Probably the smallest and biggest dancers together! Note none of the other pairs have a partner off the ground!

KPLU Viking Jazz: Folk dancing at Romsdalmuseet, Molde

Ah, yes, it did start to rain. Umbrellas up, including one for the fiddler!

KPLU Viking Jazz: Folk dancing at Romsdalmuseet, Molde

An overview. Some people were slow to put their umbrellas down, or perhaps they are more rain sensitive than us wet climate folks. Even the umbrella holder for the fiddler folded his up.

KPLU Viking Jazz: Audience participation time at Romsdalmuseet; Signe and Joey are in there

Time for audience participation! Signe and Joey join in the fun of Norwegian Folk Dancing. And with great gusto!

/icons/left.gifRomsdal Museum I
/icons/right.gifMolde Street Parade