Nyhavn On A Sunday

The walk back to the hotel took us near Nyhavn, and the jazz band was still playing, so a stop was in order. I also bought a couple of tee shirts and a sweat shirt, although that required a trip to an ATM as the vendor accepted only cash, and I didn't have enough!

KPLU Viking Jazz: Jazz stage at Nyhavn, just in front of Kings Nytorv (King's New Square), under renovation

The stage area on Nyhavn, adjacent to (the still under renovation) Kongens Nytorv, visible in the background.

KPLU Viking Jazz: This child is all dressed for water safety, while on dry land and enjoying the jazz

Some ardent listeners, including the little boy with the life jacket. We were wondering whether his parents knew something we didn't!

KPLU Viking Jazz: Nyhavn's boating contingent

Another view down Nyhavn's canal, with another former lighthouse ship, which appears to have the light mechanism intact.

KPLU Viking Jazz: The home believed to have been occupied by Hans Christian Andersen on Nyhavn

One of the houses where Hans Christian Andersen lived - the red one, that is, according to the plaque on the front of the building.

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