Map of Ile d'Orleans

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This is a map from a tourist brochure, and the numbers are keyed to various facilities mentioned in that brochure. For our tour, the following numbers are relevant.

is the Goeliche restaurant where we enjoyed a delightful lunch.
is the Chateau Frontenac, or somewhere near there; our starting point.
is the Montmorency Falls.

Domaine Steinbach is located east of Saint-Pierre (somewhere between numbers 6 and 7). Vignoble St. Petronille vineyard is, obviously, near St. Petronille, and thus is at the left hand end of the island.

I don't know where Chemin Dallaire is located, but my guess would be somewhere east (right) of the "368" sign on the north side of the island.

And Maison Drouin is located in the village of Sainte-Famille on the north side.