Along Zimovia Strait

Zimovia Strait

Pleasant company indoors while we sail up Zimovia Strait. Note how calm the water has become.

Zimovia Strait

Calm waters and low cloud adds a sense of intrigue.

Zimovia Strait

More calm water, disturbed only by the small wake from our boat.

Zimovia Strait

Islands in the mist.

Etolin Island on Zimovia Strait

Probably Etolin Island behind us - on both sides of the inlet.

Cooking Lunch

Lunch this day was hot dogs and hamburgers - truly mundane fare after the delights of the previous days! But a nice change, and good quality too!

Cooking hamburgers for lunch on the

Out with the grill to cook - even on board. This, of course, is the "smoking deck". And I'm not making this up!

Cooking hamburgers for lunch on the

Passing a little settlement while the cooks keep at it.

From here, we entered the Wrangell Narrows, which take us to Petersburg.

left arrowUp Clarence Strait
up arrow Alaskan Tour
Wrangell Narrows to Petersburgright arrow